Andrew Elmore BEng CEng CITP MIET MBCS

Tel: +44 7769 662 645


Key Achievements

Key Employment Summary

2017 - VP Engineering Velo Payments
2011 - 2017 Chief Technology Officer & Head of Development C24 Limited & Incept5 Limited
2013 - 2014 Head of Engineering Secondment to BBC Worldwide
2009 - 2011 Head of Development PrePay Solutions
2003 - 2009 Senior Development Manager SmartStream Technologies Limited
2002 - 2003 Head of Development & Chief Technical Architect IntroNet Applications Limited
1997 - 2002 Head of New Development / Principal Engineer Quadstone / Portrait Software
1996 - 1997 Lead Software Engineer 3Com

Employment Details

Velo Payments

Velo is revolutionising how people get paid by putting the recipients in charge of how and where they receive their funds. Velo's bank-grade, rails-agnostic platform allows corporates to pay beneficiaries rather than accounts, enabling transparent & frictionless payments to banks, digital wallets and more. The platform is hosted by banks (both on-prem & in the cloud) as well as available via a SaaS model.

VP Engineering 2017 -



C24 & Incept5 Limited

C24 is a market & thought leader in the application of technology to the financial services sector. Its inaugural product, Integration Objects, leads the market in enabling clients to integrate with external systems using both standard and bespoke message protocols. More recent innovations, such as Preon & the Preon Data Platform address organisations' needs to process and understand ever greater volumes of data in real-time. Its sister company Incept5 Limited is a software architecture consulting business specialising in technology incubation for innovative solutions and strategic development programmes.

Chief Technology Officer / Head of Development 2011 - 2017



PrePay Solutions

Jointly owned by Mastercard & Edenred, PrePay Solutions provides electronic, stored-value solutions across a variety of sectors including retail, mobile, insurance, corporate incentive & government. Our servers process billions of dollars worth of transactions annually.

Head of Development 2009 - 2011

Owner of product scope & development for all front & middle office operations.



Self Employed

During my exclusivity period after leaving SmartStream I provided technical leadership & interim CTO services to software development organisations.

Technical Consultant 2009


SmartStream Technologies Limited

SmartStream is the global, market-leading provider of Straight Through Processing (STP) solutions to over 1000 of the world's leading financial institutions, and is the third largest private software company in Europe.

Senior Development Manager 2003 - 2009

Leading and enabling SmartStream's technical strategy and running their WebConnect, Control and Corporate Actions products, as well as the Technical Services department. Line managed up to 40 engineers in the UK, USA, India & Austria and worked with outsourcing providers to increase agility. Provided leadership to 100+ developers.



IntroNet Applications Limited

IntroNet provides a global recruitment service, based around its online candidate application capture & tracking service. Used by blue chip companies worldwide, IntroNet's servers deliver multi-lingual, 24/7 availability.

Head of Development & Chief Technical Architect 2002 - 2003

Headhunted to resolve problems in IntroNet's development process which had seen 3 generations of the product released with similar flaws and limitations, restricting the company's ability to onboard new clients.

Managed a team of 11 engineers and team leaders, defining the technical strategy and vision for the company.



Quadstone Limited (now Pitney Bowes)

Quadstone is the market leader in customer behaviour modelling software. Founded out of the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, Quadstone maintains an expertise in scalable software solutions. Their flagship product "The Quadstone System" (now Portrait Customer Analytics) is used by some of the largest retail, financial and telecommunications companies worldwide.

Head of New Development 2001 - 2002

Managed a team of 7 principal and senior engineers across 4 projects.

Principal Engineer & Team Leader 2001

Managed the Client & Middleware development team.

Systems Architect / Software Engineer 1997 - 2001

Responsible for the infrastructure for the Decisionhouse, Actionhouse and Transactionhouse product sets. Maintained, performance-tuned and ported highly parallel C/C++ application to multiple platforms.

3Com (Network Management Division)

3Com is a multi-national producer of networking products. The network management division (based in Edinburgh) was at the forefront of the drive for standardisation of management protocols such as RMON2

Lead Software Engineer 1996 - 1997

Lead Software Engineer on 3Com's network management software 'LANsentry Manager for Windows'.

British Telecom PLC

Student (Vacation) Engineer 1993 - 1995

Qualifications & Affiliations

  • Chartered Engineer (CEng)
  • Chartered Information Systems Engineer
  • Chartered Information Technology Practitioner (CITP)
  • Member of The Institute of Engineering & Technology (MIET)
  • Member of The British Computer Society (MBCS)
  • BEng Computer Science & Electronics (2:1 Hons), University of Edinburgh (1996)
  • S-Level: Mathematics (Distinction)
  • A-Level: Mathematics (A), Physics (A), Chemistry (B)
  • Full Driving Licence (Clean)


Management Technical & Product Strategy, People Management, Team Building & Development, Project Management and Scheduling, Offshore/Remote Team Management, Development Methodologies including Agile (Scrum, DSDM, XP), Rational Unified Process (RUP) & traditional (Waterfall)
Design UML, Booch, CRC, Patterns (e.g. GoF, Sun J2EE blueprint, dependency injection & IoC)
Programming Languages Java [18 years], C/C++ [20+ years], Scala, JavaScript, 68000
Technologies J2EE, XML & XSLT, (X)HTML, Javascript & CSS, Spring (including Boot, Integration, Batch, MVC & Security), Quarkus, JNI & RMI, RMON & SNMP, SQL, MFC, Swing, ATL, (D)COM, SOAP, SSO, Camel/Fuse, Mule
Development Tools Git, Jenkins, CVS, Subversion, Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, Maven, Ant, Gradle, Eclipse, Visual C++
OS & Deployment Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Unix (Solaris, HPUX, DGUX, AIX, MP-RAS, Dynix/ptx, Linux et al), Windows (3.1 to 10), macOS
Grids, Databases & NoSQL PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, H2, MongoDB, GemFire (Apache Geode), Gigaspaces XAP, Redis, Coherence, Hazelcast, Apache Spark, Hadoop
Languages Going back quite a long time now, however French (previously fluent), Spanish (elementary)


Many & varied, including squash, music (Grade 6 pianist), weightlifting, football, cricket, golf, reading & photography.